A data center can be identified as a sophisticated warehouse for web servers. That's a facility which contains a large number of web servers used by firms for storing information and files or for carrying out computation services at a large scale. Hosting, search engines and huge social networks are just a couple of examples of the services that require data centers for their hosting servers as they cannot operate on just one hosting server. The facilities maintain the temperatures, humidity, electrical power and connection backups in order to ensure the most effective and consistent operation of all hosting servers situated there. All data centers include 24/7 monitoring and restrict the access to the servers in order to ensure that the servers are secure all of the time. The quality of any world wide web service that you get often depends not simply on the business you communicate with, but also on the data center they use.

Data centers in Cloud Hosting

If you choose to sign up for one of our cloud hosting packages, you shall have a choice between 5 of the finest data centers on three different continents - Colohouse in Chicago, illinois, USA, UK Servers in Coventry, UK, S3Company in Sofia, Bulgaria, Ficolo in Pori, Finland and Amaze in Sydney, Australia. This shall allow you to choose an area closer to your visitors, so they'll be able to enjoy high loading speeds all of the time. Each and every facility has multi-gigabit connectivity, fantastic environmental settings and knowledgeable 24/7 support, which is the reason why we work with them for many years. Because they offer outstanding server care, we can concentrate on improving our hosting services in order to present you with the best possible service without having to worry about our servers. We have employed our state-of-the-art cloud platform in all of the 5 locations, so you could take full advantage of it and enjoy a fantastic service whatever the data center that you choose.

Data centers in Dedicated Web Hosting

We have chosen the Colohouse data center in Chicago, USA, for our dedicated servers for a reason - the facility delivers the best possible conditions for the optimal functioning of any hosting server accommodated there. Effective diesel generators and UPS devices will keep all servers working even in the event that there's no electrical power for days while employing several Internet suppliers ensures that any content which you have on your dedicated machine will be accessible all of the time. Because the data center is situated in the middle of North America, any visitor across the continent shall be able to look through your websites as fast as their own Internet access permits them to. The facility provides fiber connections to both Coasts and to several major cities in the United States and Canada, which makes it a suitable location if you'd like to reach online users even from Mexico or Latin America. The correct performance of your hosting server is ensured by a highly trained technical support crew that will take care of any hardware issue 24/7. To be on the safe side, we have spare web servers and parts, thus your websites will be online all of the time.