Cron jobs are scheduled tasks, which run on regular intervals of time pre-set by the user and they also execute scripts written in different programming languages - PHP, Perl, Bash, and so on. Depending on what exactly a cron has to do, it may run each and every minute, every week or perhaps each year. There're numerous handy applications to make use of cron jobs in your day-to-day administration of a site. For example, a backup of the whole site may be generated once a day or once a week or an email with all of the fresh signups for the day can be delivered to a given e-mail address. Such automated options can make the management of any site much easier. There won't be any particular file types which are allowed / forbidden, so any script can be run with a cron job.

Cron Jobs in Cloud Hosting

When you get any of our cloud hosting plans, you'll be able to set up cron jobs with a few mouse clicks through your Hepsia Control Panel even if you have never done that previously. Hepsia is quite simple to use, so as opposed to typing numbers and asterisks on specific positions, which is the common method to set up a cron job, you can choose the minutes, hours or days a script needs to be run using quick drop-down menus. This is done in the Cron Jobs section of the Control Panel and, naturally, you can use the first method as well, in case you're skilled enough and you prefer it. In either case, you will also need to enter the path to the script which will be executed as well as the path to the PHP, Python or Perl system files in your account. The latter is included in the Control Panel and you're able to copy/paste it, yet if you experience any kind of difficulties, you can contact your support team.