PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor, commonly known as PHP, is a popular open-source server-side coding language, which is used to create dynamic sites with interactive elements like discussion boards, e-teaching sites or community portals. In contrast with static HTML-based websites, a PHP site can serve unique content to each visitor under the very same URL. Because of the fact that PHP-based web-based applications can be managed via one Control Panel, which you can sign in to using any online browser, you will not have to possess any computer programming knowledge or practical experience whatsoever in order to maintain a PHP site. The fact that 100s of millions of websites worldwide are created with PHP is indicative of the language’s popularity and simplicity of use. You only have to verify whether or not the web server where you host your website supports the very same PHP version as the one that you used whilst building the website.

PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7 and PHP 8 Support in Cloud Hosting

Our cloud hosting servers support different versions of PHP, which goes to say that your sites will run without any problem even if your PHP scripts are out of date. We know that an old website doesn’t always imply a vulnerable one as you may have done lots of modifications to its code. That is the reason why we support PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7 and PHP 8 and you can decide which version will be enabled for your hosting account. The version can be changed with one single click via your Hepsia hosting Control Panel and the new settings will be applied immediately. In case you would like to run both older and newer scripts, there’s even an option to use a different version of PHP for each of your domains simultaneously.