Using emails with your own domain is far more handy and it'll provide you with more credibility as a company when you correspond with business partners. Such an email address does look far better if a visitor on your site contacts you via a commentary form and you need to answer. How simple it is to control your electronic mail correspondence is sometimes as essential as the quality of the service, since some website hosting Control Panels make it quite challenging and time-consuming to handle elementary tasks for instance providing anti-spam protection or forwarding your e-mails. Because of this, you should take advantage of an e-mail service that will allow you to gain access to everything speedily and which will make the management of your e-mail messages fast and easy.

Advanced E-mail Manager in Cloud Hosting

With the hi-tech Email Manager instrument that you will receive as a part of our custom-made Hepsia Control Panel provided you get a cloud hosting plan, you'll handily have all of the e-mail features that you'll ever need in one location and only several mouse-clicks away. Once you activate the tool, you're able to see all the mailboxes that you have for your domain names and if any of them is a catch-all one or it has forwarding and anti-spam protection. These features are enabled or disabled as conveniently as clicking a button. Advanced options, for example adding SPF protection, are available via fast access buttons as well as right-click popup menus. You can also gain access to the webmail for any mailbox or download an auto-setup file for Outlook, Thunderbird or Apple Mail in the very same section. Our Email Manager is intuitive enough to be employed by users with minimum technical experience and it features a lot of exhaustive help articles. Furthermore, it offers options for advanced users as well and it will save you efforts and time even for more complex activities.