The network capacity of a web server determines how fast your websites shall open and what number of people shall be able to visit them simultaneously. Obviously, this is not the only factor, but it's a rather significant one. On one hand, regardless of how optimized a specific Internet site could be, bad connectivity would mean low loading speeds or possibly service interruptions, particularly if only 1 Internet provider is used to access the hosting server. However, a fantastic connection with lower capacity will allow just a small number of visitors to surf the Internet site at the same time, while new visitors shall have hard time loading any content. In this sense, the success of your Internet site depends not simply on the content, but also on the site’s accessibility and loading speed. Those two factors are determined by the connection which the hosting server uses.

DirectAdmin with Unlimited Domains in Cloud Hosting

When you order a cloud hosting service from our company, you'll be able to take full advantage of the multi-gigabit routes that we use, whatever the location of your account. We guarantee fantastic connectivity in all data centers - in Chicago (USA), in Coventry (UK) and in Sydney (Australia), so any website hosted in them will load very quick at all times. Each of the 3 facilities has direct fiber connections to other major metropolitan areas on the respective continents, and also to overseas cities, so how swiftly your sites will open depends only on your visitors’ connection to the Internet. By using redundant providers, we ensure that there will not be any sort of service interruptions due to a slow or bad connection. In addition, we use completely new powerful hardware to be sure that the network within the data centers can handle substantial traffic volumes without having an effect on the speed or the functionality of the Internet sites.