.NET.CN Pricing

TLD 1 Year 2 years 3 years 4 years 5 years 6 years 7 years 8 years 9 years 10 years
Sole .NET.CN registration $17.00 $34.00 $51.00 $68.00 $85.00 $102.00 $119.00 $136.00 $153.00 $170.00
.NET.CN with hosting $11.50 $28.50 $45.50 $62.50 $79.50 $96.50 $113.50 $130.50 $147.50 $164.50

TLD Details

TLD Registrar-Lock Transfers Edit WHOIS ID Protect Registration Period
.NET.CN no yes (EPP) yes no 1-10 years

.NET.CN Domain Names Registration

.NET.CN is the country-code TLD extension for People's Republic of China and it's available for only $17.00 per year at qmtglobalhosting. You can register a .NET.CN domain name for up to 10 years with us. By selecting a .NET.CN domain, your website will get noticeably better recognition in People's Republic of China, as sites with country-code TLD extensions are typically ranked higher in local search results.

.NET.CN Domain Names with qmtglobalhosting

With qmtglobalhosting's custom-created Domain Manager (part of qmtglobalhosting's Web Hosting Control Panel), you will be able to manage all your .NET.CN domains without difficulty. You'll be able to easily modify the WHOIS info and the DNS resource records. Plus, you can quickly lock & unlock a domain name and take full advantage of our thorough help articles and expert 24x7 client support.

In case you also have a web hosting account with qmtglobalhosting, our next-generation Web Hosting Control Panel will allow you to manage both your domain names and your sites.